Photo of myself on Aerial Hoop

Hey, I'm Shavana Peynado - Software Developer & Advocate for Diversity in Tech🤎

My earliest memory of tech was at the age of 4. I exceeded expectations at my nursery when I understood the foundations of computing despite being mute which became a diagnosis for Autism in 2002. My forms of communication were reading books and Technology. I spent 5 years in Banking, until January 2021, where I rekindled my love for technology and decided to complete a comprehensive 30 week Full-stack bootcamp with Black CodHer specialising in MERN stack technologies. I built React and JavaScript applications, focusing on producing responsive web applications.

After graduating in March 2022, I started my first role in Tech in April 2022 as a Junior Developer alongside Public Speaking and Assistant Teaching in React, Nodejs and MongoDB for Coding Black Females and completing a 6 week introduction course to Cyber Security with CybSafe x CBF.

Outside from the big world of Tech, my interests are Birdwatching, Bachata, Aerial Hoop, Reading, Swimming, Travelling and anything involving outdoors.


html css javascript git reactjs nodejs VS code mongodb mysql typescript python

Fun facts

This site is build from scratch with care ♡ Copyright © Shavana Peynado 2021